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MarginNote Addon Development Framework

Also a toolbox that can process excerpts automatically

>>> For Developer

Modern Development Framework

Developed with TypeScript, bundled with ESbuild. A lot of APIs are encapsulated to help you develop more powerful mnaddon.

Control Panel & Profile Management

Easily create mnaddon with control panels, with powerful profile management.

Modular Development

Develop mnaddon with modular development, just like building blocks.

>>> For Normal User


With the control panel, MarginNote addon can finally be customized.


No need to manually turn on the addon, everything will be executed automatically according to your requirements.

Work Together

Different modules can work together to get more magical effects

Gesture & Shortcut

Quickly process the mindmap card through gestures and shortcut, full score efficiency.


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Welcom to join us, and develop more powerful mnaddon!

Released under the MIT License.