export declare class MbBook {
* Last notebook which the document is in and opened
readonly currentTopicId?: string
* Date of last visit
readonly lastVisit?: Date
* docMd5 of the document
readonly docMd5?: string
* pathFile of the document
readonly pathFile?: string
* Title of the document
readonly docTitle?: string
* Page count of the document
readonly pageCount: number
* Content of text layer of the document, not including OCR Pro layer
* Each row and each character is an element of the array
textContentsForPageNo(pageNo: number): TextContent[][]
export declare class MbBook {
* Last notebook which the document is in and opened
readonly currentTopicId?: string
* Date of last visit
readonly lastVisit?: Date
* docMd5 of the document
readonly docMd5?: string
* pathFile of the document
readonly pathFile?: string
* Title of the document
readonly docTitle?: string
* Page count of the document
readonly pageCount: number
* Content of text layer of the document, not including OCR Pro layer
* Each row and each character is an element of the array
textContentsForPageNo(pageNo: number): TextContent[][]
interface TextContent {
* @example
* String.fromCharCode(Number(char))
readonly char: string
readonly rect: NSValue
interface TextContent {
* @example
* String.fromCharCode(Number(char))
readonly char: string
readonly rect: NSValue
用于获取指定页的文字。仅限 PDF 有文字层才可以获取到,OCR Pro 得到的文字层无法获取。
import { getPageContent } from "marginnote"
import { getPageContent } from "marginnote"
如果想要了解更复杂的使用这个方法,可以查看 OhMyMN AutoComplete 的获取上下文的源码。
export declare class mbtopic {
* notebook title, can be modified
title?: string
* nodebook id
readonly topicid?: string
readonly lastvisit?: date
* main document md5
readonly maindocmd5?: string
readonly historydate?: date
readonly syncmode?: number | boolean
readonly categorylist?: string
readonly hashtags?: string
readonly doclist?: string
readonly options?: dictobj
* doucments in the notebook
readonly documents?: mbbook[]
* notes in the notebook
readonly notes?: mbbooknote[]
readonly flags: notebooktype
hidelinksinmindmapnode: boolean
export declare class mbtopic {
* notebook title, can be modified
title?: string
* nodebook id
readonly topicid?: string
readonly lastvisit?: date
* main document md5
readonly maindocmd5?: string
readonly historydate?: date
readonly syncmode?: number | boolean
readonly categorylist?: string
readonly hashtags?: string
readonly doclist?: string
readonly options?: dictobj
* doucments in the notebook
readonly documents?: mbbook[]
* notes in the notebook
readonly notes?: mbbooknote[]
readonly flags: notebooktype
hidelinksinmindmapnode: boolean