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UI 的嵌套结构如下:

export declare class StudyController extends UIViewController {
   * View of the study controller
   * {@link UIView}
  view: UIView
   * Study Mode
  readonly studyMode: StudyMode
   * Narrow Mode
  readonly narrowMode: boolean //when narrowmode, book split mode 1 is disabled
   * DocMap Split Mode
   * {@link DocMapSplitMode}
  docMapSplitMode: DocMapSplitMode
   * Right Map Mode
  rightMapMode: boolean
   * Get notebook controller
   * @recommended use {@link MN.notebookController}
  readonly notebookController: NotebookController
   * Get reader controller
  readonly readerController: ReaderController
   * @param noteId NSString*
  focusNoteInMindMapById(noteId: string): void
   * @param noteId NSString*
  focusNoteInDocumentById(noteId: string): void
  refreshAddonCommands(): void
export declare class StudyController extends UIViewController {
   * View of the study controller
   * {@link UIView}
  view: UIView
   * Study Mode
  readonly studyMode: StudyMode
   * Narrow Mode
  readonly narrowMode: boolean //when narrowmode, book split mode 1 is disabled
   * DocMap Split Mode
   * {@link DocMapSplitMode}
  docMapSplitMode: DocMapSplitMode
   * Right Map Mode
  rightMapMode: boolean
   * Get notebook controller
   * @recommended use {@link MN.notebookController}
  readonly notebookController: NotebookController
   * Get reader controller
  readonly readerController: ReaderController
   * @param noteId NSString*
  focusNoteInMindMapById(noteId: string): void
   * @param noteId NSString*
  focusNoteInDocumentById(noteId: string): void
  refreshAddonCommands(): void


export declare class NotebookController {
   * View of notebook Controller
  readonly view: UIView
   * Outline view
  readonly outlineView: OutlineView
   * MindMap view
  readonly mindmapView: MindMapView
   * Notebook id
  readonly notebookId?: string
   * Focus note
  readonly focusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Visible focus note
  readonly visibleFocusNote?: MbBookNote
export declare class NotebookController {
   * View of notebook Controller
  readonly view: UIView
   * Outline view
  readonly outlineView: OutlineView
   * MindMap view
  readonly mindmapView: MindMapView
   * Notebook id
  readonly notebookId?: string
   * Focus note
  readonly focusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Visible focus note
  readonly visibleFocusNote?: MbBookNote


export declare class OutlineView {
  noteFromIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath): MbBookNote
export declare class OutlineView {
  noteFromIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath): MbBookNote


export declare class MindMapView extends UIView {
   * MindMap Nodes
  readonly mindmapNodes?: MindMapNode[]
   * Nodes of selected
  readonly selViewLst?: {
    note: MindMapNode
    view: UIView
export declare class MindMapView extends UIView {
   * MindMap Nodes
  readonly mindmapNodes?: MindMapNode[]
   * Nodes of selected
  readonly selViewLst?: {
    note: MindMapNode
    view: UIView


export declare class MindMapView extends UIView {
   * MindMap Nodes
  readonly mindmapNodes?: MindMapNode[]
   * Nodes of selected
  readonly selViewLst?: {
    note: MindMapNode
    view: UIView
export declare class MindMapView extends UIView {
   * MindMap Nodes
  readonly mindmapNodes?: MindMapNode[]
   * Nodes of selected
  readonly selViewLst?: {
    note: MindMapNode
    view: UIView


export declare class ReaderController {
   * @recommended use {@link MN.currentDocumentController}
  readonly currentDocumentController: DocumentController
   * Document controllers
  readonly documentControllers?: DocumentController[]
   * view of ReaderController
   * {@link UIView}
  view: UIView
export declare class ReaderController {
   * @recommended use {@link MN.currentDocumentController}
  readonly currentDocumentController: DocumentController
   * Document controllers
  readonly documentControllers?: DocumentController[]
   * view of ReaderController
   * {@link UIView}
  view: UIView


export declare class DocumentController {
  readonly document?: MbBook
   * MD5 of the document.
  readonly docMd5?: string
   * ID of Notebook
  readonly notebookId?: string
   * Focus note of document, usually the note you are clicking on
  readonly focusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Last focus note, only valid when you are selecting text
  readonly lastFocusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Visible focus note
  readonly visibleFocusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Text you are selecting
  readonly selectionText?: string
   * Image from selection, usually converted to base64 to use.
  imageFromSelection(): NSData
   * Image from focusNode
  imageFromFocusNote(): NSData
   * start from 1. The virtual page has a large number of discontinuous pages
   * */
  readonly currPageNo: number
   * start from 0, but if page deleted, the index will be 0.
   * */
  readonly currPageIndex: number
   * convert page index to page number
  indexFromPageNo(pageNo: number): number
   * convert page number to page index
  pageNoFromIndex(index: number): number
   * Jump to the page index
  setPageAtIndex(index: number): void
   * Get all page indices from page number, which is not one-to-one mapping.
  indicesFromPageNo(pageNo: number): number[]
export declare class DocumentController {
  readonly document?: MbBook
   * MD5 of the document.
  readonly docMd5?: string
   * ID of Notebook
  readonly notebookId?: string
   * Focus note of document, usually the note you are clicking on
  readonly focusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Last focus note, only valid when you are selecting text
  readonly lastFocusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Visible focus note
  readonly visibleFocusNote?: MbBookNote
   * Text you are selecting
  readonly selectionText?: string
   * Image from selection, usually converted to base64 to use.
  imageFromSelection(): NSData
   * Image from focusNode
  imageFromFocusNote(): NSData
   * start from 1. The virtual page has a large number of discontinuous pages
   * */
  readonly currPageNo: number
   * start from 0, but if page deleted, the index will be 0.
   * */
  readonly currPageIndex: number
   * convert page index to page number
  indexFromPageNo(pageNo: number): number
   * convert page number to page index
  pageNoFromIndex(index: number): number
   * Jump to the page index
  setPageAtIndex(index: number): void
   * Get all page indices from page number, which is not one-to-one mapping.
  indicesFromPageNo(pageNo: number): number[]

Released under the MIT License.