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const Application: {
   * Create an Application instance
   * @recommended use {@link}
  sharedInstance(): Application
const Application: {
   * Create an Application instance
   * @recommended use {@link}
  sharedInstance(): Application
export declare type Application = {
   * @value 4.0.2(97)
   * 4.0.2 is version, 97 is build num
   * @recommended use {@link MN.version}
  readonly appVersion: string
   * @value 4.0.2(97)
  readonly build: string
   * Current theme
   * @recommended use {@link MN.currentThemeColor}
  readonly currentTheme: "Gray" | "Default" | "Dark" | "Green" | "Sepia"
   * default tint color for dark background
  readonly defaultTintColorForDarkBackground?: UIColor
   * default tint color for selected
  readonly defaultTintColorForSelected?: UIColor
   * default tint color
  readonly defaultTintColor?: UIColor
   * default book page color
  readonly defaultBookPageColor?: UIColor
   * default note book color
  readonly defaultNotebookColor?: UIColor
   * default text color
  readonly defaultTextColor?: UIColor
   * default disable color
  readonly defaultDisableColor?: UIColor
   * default highlight blend color
  readonly defaultHighlightBlendColor?: UIColor
   * Focus window
  readonly focusWindow?: UIWindow
   * Database path
  readonly dbPath?: string
   * Document relative path
  readonly documentPath?: string
   * Cache path
  readonly cachePath?: string
   * Temp path
  readonly tempPath?: string
   * OS type
  readonly osType: OSType
   * Refresh Note data
  refreshAfterDBChanged(notebookid: string): void
    command: string,
    keyFlags: number,
    window: UIWindow
  ): DictObj
    command: string,
    keyFlags: number,
    window: UIWindow
  ): void
   * @recommand {@link openURL}
  openURL(url: NSURL): void
   * @recommand {@link alert}
  alert(message: string): void
   * @recommand {@link showHUD}
  showHUD(message: string, view: UIView, duration: number): void
   * @recommand {@link HUDController}
  waitHUDOnView(message: string, view: UIView): void
   * @recommand {@link HUDController}
  stopWaitHUDOnView(view: UIView): void
   * @recommand {@link saveFile}
  saveFileWithUti(mfile: string, uti: string): void
   * @recommand {@link MN.studyController}
  studyController(window: UIWindow): StudyController
   * Check the notify sender is current window.
   * @param obj Usually sender
   * @param window
   * @recommand MN.currentWindow === window
  checkNotifySenderInWindow(obj: any, window: UIWindow): boolean
   * @recommand {@link openFile}
    types: string[],
    controller: UIViewController,
    callback: (file: string) => void
  ): void

   * Register a html comment editor
   * @param commentTag The markdown editor plugin id
   * @see ""
    commentEditor: DictObj,
    htmlEditor: JSValue,
    htmlRender: JSValue,
    commentTag: string
  ): void

   * Unregister a html comment editor
   * @param commentTag The markdown editor plugin id
  unregsiterHtmlCommentEditor(commentTag: string): void
export declare type Application = {
   * @value 4.0.2(97)
   * 4.0.2 is version, 97 is build num
   * @recommended use {@link MN.version}
  readonly appVersion: string
   * @value 4.0.2(97)
  readonly build: string
   * Current theme
   * @recommended use {@link MN.currentThemeColor}
  readonly currentTheme: "Gray" | "Default" | "Dark" | "Green" | "Sepia"
   * default tint color for dark background
  readonly defaultTintColorForDarkBackground?: UIColor
   * default tint color for selected
  readonly defaultTintColorForSelected?: UIColor
   * default tint color
  readonly defaultTintColor?: UIColor
   * default book page color
  readonly defaultBookPageColor?: UIColor
   * default note book color
  readonly defaultNotebookColor?: UIColor
   * default text color
  readonly defaultTextColor?: UIColor
   * default disable color
  readonly defaultDisableColor?: UIColor
   * default highlight blend color
  readonly defaultHighlightBlendColor?: UIColor
   * Focus window
  readonly focusWindow?: UIWindow
   * Database path
  readonly dbPath?: string
   * Document relative path
  readonly documentPath?: string
   * Cache path
  readonly cachePath?: string
   * Temp path
  readonly tempPath?: string
   * OS type
  readonly osType: OSType
   * Refresh Note data
  refreshAfterDBChanged(notebookid: string): void
    command: string,
    keyFlags: number,
    window: UIWindow
  ): DictObj
    command: string,
    keyFlags: number,
    window: UIWindow
  ): void
   * @recommand {@link openURL}
  openURL(url: NSURL): void
   * @recommand {@link alert}
  alert(message: string): void
   * @recommand {@link showHUD}
  showHUD(message: string, view: UIView, duration: number): void
   * @recommand {@link HUDController}
  waitHUDOnView(message: string, view: UIView): void
   * @recommand {@link HUDController}
  stopWaitHUDOnView(view: UIView): void
   * @recommand {@link saveFile}
  saveFileWithUti(mfile: string, uti: string): void
   * @recommand {@link MN.studyController}
  studyController(window: UIWindow): StudyController
   * Check the notify sender is current window.
   * @param obj Usually sender
   * @param window
   * @recommand MN.currentWindow === window
  checkNotifySenderInWindow(obj: any, window: UIWindow): boolean
   * @recommand {@link openFile}
    types: string[],
    controller: UIViewController,
    callback: (file: string) => void
  ): void

   * Register a html comment editor
   * @param commentTag The markdown editor plugin id
   * @see ""
    commentEditor: DictObj,
    htmlEditor: JSValue,
    htmlRender: JSValue,
    commentTag: string
  ): void

   * Unregister a html comment editor
   * @param commentTag The markdown editor plugin id
  unregsiterHtmlCommentEditor(commentTag: string): void

Released under the MIT License.