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MbBookNote 是 MarginNote 中的笔记对象。推荐使用 NodeNote 的相关方法来操作卡片。


const Note: {
    createWithTitleNotebookDocument(title: string, notebook: MbTopic, doc: MbBook): MbBookNote;
const Note: {
    createWithTitleNotebookDocument(title: string, notebook: MbTopic, doc: MbBook): MbBookNote;

用来创建一个 MbBookNote 对象。注意,这并不是 MbBookNote 上的静态方法,MarginNote 将其暴露在 Note 对象上。

Note.createWithTitleNotebookDocument('title', current-topic, current-book)
Note.createWithTitleNotebookDocument('title', current-topic, current-book)


writeable 属性

 * Excerpt text of the note
excerptText?: string
 * Title of the note
noteTitle?: string
 * A int value, 0-15
 * Index of the color
colorIndex: number
 * A int value, 0-2
 * Index of the fill type
fillIndex: number
 * not working
mindmapPosition: CGPoint
 * Excerpt text of the note
excerptText?: string
 * Title of the note
noteTitle?: string
 * A int value, 0-15
 * Index of the color
colorIndex: number
 * A int value, 0-2
 * Index of the fill type
fillIndex: number
 * not working
mindmapPosition: CGPoint
  • excerptText: 从 PDF 中摘录的内容。
  • noteTitle: 卡片标题。
  • colorIndex: 笔记颜色, 0-15,对着颜色面板数一数就知道了。
  • fillIndex: 笔记在 PDF 中选区的填充类型, 0-2。



readonly 属性

 * Note id
readonly noteId: string
 * MD5 of the document
readonly docMd5?: string
 * Notebook id
readonly notebookId?: string
 * Page number of the start position of the note
readonly startPage?: number
 * Page number of the end position of the note
readonly endPage?: number
 * Start position of the note, like x,y
readonly startPos?: string
 * End position of the note, like x,y
readonly endPos?: string
 * Excerpt picture of the note, just the area of you selected
readonly excerptPic?: excerptPic
 * Date of the note created
readonly createDate: Date
 * Date of the note modified
readonly modifiedDate?: Date
 * List of media hash value seprated by '-'
 * @example
 * "mediaHash1-mediaHash2-mediaHash3"
 * note.mediaList?.split("-").map(hash => MN.db.getMediaByHash(hash))
readonly mediaList?: string
 * Origin note id, will be valid after merging
readonly originNoteId?: string
 * Whether the note branch in mindmap is closed
readonly mindmapBranchClose?: number
 * All the note text
 * @recommand {@link NodeNote.allText}
readonly notesText?: string
 * It Will be valid after merging itself into another note. It's the note id of the note it merged into.
readonly groupNoteId?: string
 * Comments of the note, different from the excerptText
readonly comments: NoteComment[]
 * Parent-notes of the note
readonly parentNote?: MbBookNote
 * List of Linked-note ID, used to locate the linked note card
readonly linkedNotes: {
  summary: boolean
   * nodeid of the linked note
  noteid: string
   * text of the linked note
  linktext: string
 * Child-notes of the note
readonly childNotes?: MbBookNote[]
 * Array of summarized note-id
readonly summaryLinks: string[]
 * A int value
readonly zLevel?: number
 * Whether the card is hidden
readonly hidden?: boolean
 * A int value
readonly toc?: number
readonly annotation?: boolean
 * Whether the image has been OCR to text
readonly textFirst: boolean
 * Mindmap group mode of the node branch
readonly groupMode?: GroupMode
 * A int value
 * Whether the note has a flashcard
readonly flashcard?: number
 * A int value
readonly summary: number
 * A int value
readonly flagged?: number
readonly textHighlight?: {
  highlight_text: string
  coords_hash: string
  maskList?: string[]
  textSelLst?: any[]
readonly options?: DictObj
 * Note id
readonly noteId: string
 * MD5 of the document
readonly docMd5?: string
 * Notebook id
readonly notebookId?: string
 * Page number of the start position of the note
readonly startPage?: number
 * Page number of the end position of the note
readonly endPage?: number
 * Start position of the note, like x,y
readonly startPos?: string
 * End position of the note, like x,y
readonly endPos?: string
 * Excerpt picture of the note, just the area of you selected
readonly excerptPic?: excerptPic
 * Date of the note created
readonly createDate: Date
 * Date of the note modified
readonly modifiedDate?: Date
 * List of media hash value seprated by '-'
 * @example
 * "mediaHash1-mediaHash2-mediaHash3"
 * note.mediaList?.split("-").map(hash => MN.db.getMediaByHash(hash))
readonly mediaList?: string
 * Origin note id, will be valid after merging
readonly originNoteId?: string
 * Whether the note branch in mindmap is closed
readonly mindmapBranchClose?: number
 * All the note text
 * @recommand {@link NodeNote.allText}
readonly notesText?: string
 * It Will be valid after merging itself into another note. It's the note id of the note it merged into.
readonly groupNoteId?: string
 * Comments of the note, different from the excerptText
readonly comments: NoteComment[]
 * Parent-notes of the note
readonly parentNote?: MbBookNote
 * List of Linked-note ID, used to locate the linked note card
readonly linkedNotes: {
  summary: boolean
   * nodeid of the linked note
  noteid: string
   * text of the linked note
  linktext: string
 * Child-notes of the note
readonly childNotes?: MbBookNote[]
 * Array of summarized note-id
readonly summaryLinks: string[]
 * A int value
readonly zLevel?: number
 * Whether the card is hidden
readonly hidden?: boolean
 * A int value
readonly toc?: number
readonly annotation?: boolean
 * Whether the image has been OCR to text
readonly textFirst: boolean
 * Mindmap group mode of the node branch
readonly groupMode?: GroupMode
 * A int value
 * Whether the note has a flashcard
readonly flashcard?: number
 * A int value
readonly summary: number
 * A int value
readonly flagged?: number
readonly textHighlight?: {
  highlight_text: string
  coords_hash: string
  maskList?: string[]
  textSelLst?: any[]
readonly options?: DictObj
  • noteID: 笔记 ID
  • docMd5: 笔记所在的 PDF 的 MD5
  • notebookId: 笔记所在的脑图的 ID
  • groupNoteId: 当笔记被合并到另一个笔记时,这个属性会被赋值为目标笔记的 ID。



comments: NoteComment[]
comments: NoteComment[]
export type NoteComment = TextComment | HtmlComment | LinkComment | PaintComment

 * Basic Comment, just text you typed
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export interface TextComment {
  type: "TextNote"
   * Get the content of the comment
  text: string
   * NoteID of the note, is only valid after merging the notes
  noteid?: string

 * Generate when html copied to note
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export interface HtmlComment {
  type: "HtmlNote"
   * Size of the render image
  htmlSize: DictObj
   * RTF
  rtf: DictObj
   * HTML code
  html: string
   * Text
  text: string
   * NoteID of the note
  noteid?: string

 * Picture comment
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export interface PaintComment extends MNPic {
  type: "PaintNote"

 * It not means link to another note and it will be generated when merge notes.
 * The notes merged into is the LinkComment
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export type LinkComment = LinkCommentText | LinkCommentPic

 * @see {@link LinkComment}
export interface LinkCommentText {
  type: "LinkNote"
   * NoteID of the note
  noteid: string
   * Text of the comment
  q_htext: TextComment["text"]

 * @see {@link LinkComment}
export interface LinkCommentPic {
  type: "LinkNote"
   * NoteID of the note
  noteid: string
   * Text of the comment : {@link TextComment.text}
  q_htext?: TextComment["text"]
   * Image of the comment : {@link MNPic}
  q_hpic: MNPic
export type NoteComment = TextComment | HtmlComment | LinkComment | PaintComment

 * Basic Comment, just text you typed
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export interface TextComment {
  type: "TextNote"
   * Get the content of the comment
  text: string
   * NoteID of the note, is only valid after merging the notes
  noteid?: string

 * Generate when html copied to note
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export interface HtmlComment {
  type: "HtmlNote"
   * Size of the render image
  htmlSize: DictObj
   * RTF
  rtf: DictObj
   * HTML code
  html: string
   * Text
  text: string
   * NoteID of the note
  noteid?: string

 * Picture comment
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export interface PaintComment extends MNPic {
  type: "PaintNote"

 * It not means link to another note and it will be generated when merge notes.
 * The notes merged into is the LinkComment
 * @see {@link NoteComment}
export type LinkComment = LinkCommentText | LinkCommentPic

 * @see {@link LinkComment}
export interface LinkCommentText {
  type: "LinkNote"
   * NoteID of the note
  noteid: string
   * Text of the comment
  q_htext: TextComment["text"]

 * @see {@link LinkComment}
export interface LinkCommentPic {
  type: "LinkNote"
   * NoteID of the note
  noteid: string
   * Text of the comment : {@link TextComment.text}
  q_htext?: TextComment["text"]
   * Image of the comment : {@link MNPic}
  q_hpic: MNPic

需要注意的是里面的 LinkComment 类型。它的 type 是 LinkNote,但是这个 LinkNote 并不是指它是一个链接,而是它被合并到了当前笔记中,作为评论存在。



excerptPic?: ExcerptPic
excerptPic?: ExcerptPic
 * Base type of the picture in MarginNote
interface MNPic {
   * A hash value. Use it to get the picture from {@link MN.db.getMediaByHash} and encode it to base64
   * @example
   * MN.db.getMediaByHash(pic.paint)?.base64Encoding()
  paint: string
   * CGSize, use {@link CGSizeValue2CGSize} to convert it to {@link CGSize}
  size: NSValue
 * The area of the excerpt
interface ExcerptPic extends MNPic {
  selLst: {
    [key: number]: {
       * Rotation of the picture
      rotation: number
       * CGRect Value, the position of the picture in the note
       * use {@link CGRectValue2CGRect} to convert it to {@link CGRect}
      rect: NSValue
       * CGRect Value, same as rect
      imgRect: NSValue
      pageNo: number
 * Base type of the picture in MarginNote
interface MNPic {
   * A hash value. Use it to get the picture from {@link MN.db.getMediaByHash} and encode it to base64
   * @example
   * MN.db.getMediaByHash(pic.paint)?.base64Encoding()
  paint: string
   * CGSize, use {@link CGSizeValue2CGSize} to convert it to {@link CGSize}
  size: NSValue
 * The area of the excerpt
interface ExcerptPic extends MNPic {
  selLst: {
    [key: number]: {
       * Rotation of the picture
      rotation: number
       * CGRect Value, the position of the picture in the note
       * use {@link CGRectValue2CGRect} to convert it to {@link CGRect}
      rect: NSValue
       * CGRect Value, same as rect
      imgRect: NSValue
      pageNo: number



这样就得到了一个 base64 编码的图片了。

如果想知道图片的大小或者选区的大小,比如 OhMyMN 中 AutoStyle 可以根据选区的大小调整填充样式。可以使用

import { CGSizeValue2CGSize } from "marginnote"
const { width, height } = CGSizeValue2CGSize(note.excerptPic!.size)
import { CGSizeValue2CGSize } from "marginnote"
const { width, height } = CGSizeValue2CGSize(note.excerptPic!.size)


笔记中所有的媒体文件的 hash 值,用 - 分割。

note.mediaList?.split("-").map(hash => MN.db.getMediaByHash(hash))
note.mediaList?.split("-").map(hash => MN.db.getMediaByHash(hash))

这样就可是得到所有的媒体文件的 NSData 对象了。



 * List of Linked-note ID, used to locate the linked note card
readonly linkedNotes: {
  summary: boolean
   * nodeid of the linked note
  noteid: string
   * text of the linked note
  linktext: string
 * List of Linked-note ID, used to locate the linked note card
readonly linkedNotes: {
  summary: boolean
   * nodeid of the linked note
  noteid: string
   * text of the linked note
  linktext: string

注意。要区别与前面 comments 中 LinkComment 的 type 值 LinkNote,这里的 linkedNotes 才是链接。


paste(): void
 * Clear format of the note
clearFormat(): void
 * @recommand {@link NodeNote.allText}
allNoteText(): string
 * Merge another note to this note
merge(note: MbBookNote): void
 * Append HTML comment to the note
 * @param html HTML text of the comment
 * @param text Pure text of the comment
 * @param size Size of the comment
 * @param tag Markdown editor plugin id. The HTML comment will be rendered by the plugin.
 * @example
 * note.appendHtmlComment(
 *    "```math\n" + res + "\n```",
 *    res,
 *    { width: 420, height: 100 },
 *    "MarkDownEditor"
 *  )
appendHtmlComment(html: string, text: string, size: CGSize, tag: string): void
 * Append one text comment to the note
appendTextComment(text: string): void
 * Append Note Link to the note
appendNoteLink(note: MbBookNote): void
 * Remove comment by index
removeCommentByIndex(index: number): void
 * Number of handwritten strokes
getStrokesCount(): number
paste(): void
 * Clear format of the note
clearFormat(): void
 * @recommand {@link NodeNote.allText}
allNoteText(): string
 * Merge another note to this note
merge(note: MbBookNote): void
 * Append HTML comment to the note
 * @param html HTML text of the comment
 * @param text Pure text of the comment
 * @param size Size of the comment
 * @param tag Markdown editor plugin id. The HTML comment will be rendered by the plugin.
 * @example
 * note.appendHtmlComment(
 *    "```math\n" + res + "\n```",
 *    res,
 *    { width: 420, height: 100 },
 *    "MarkDownEditor"
 *  )
appendHtmlComment(html: string, text: string, size: CGSize, tag: string): void
 * Append one text comment to the note
appendTextComment(text: string): void
 * Append Note Link to the note
appendNoteLink(note: MbBookNote): void
 * Remove comment by index
removeCommentByIndex(index: number): void
 * Number of handwritten strokes
getStrokesCount(): number


clearFormat(): void
clearFormat(): void



merge(note: MbBookNote): void
merge(note: MbBookNote): void


Released under the MIT License.